A documentary of an experience that reaches those whose uncertain path starts every day.


About Us

We are a group of dreamers; we come from different parts of the continent, joining forces to make things happen, pointing out that inconvenient truth no one wants to acknowledge.

When life gets hard, try to remember: the life you complaint about is only a dream to some people.
– Anonymous

The Documentary

We believe that homelessness is not just an individual issue but a symptom of failed systems and policies that need to be addressed.

To achieve an end to homelessness in the state, we need to start by humanizing the people who are experiencing homelessness. We need to understand that there are multiple pathways to homelessness, and based on these pathways, there are preventive strategies that can be instituted. We also need to recognize that broader strategies are needed to prevent homelessness, but specific policies are also needed to address different populations and their unique challenges.

The broader strategies needed to prevent homelessness include having the right number of affordable homes and diversity in the types of homes available. We currently have a shortage of 87,000 affordable homes in the State of CT, which is unacceptable. Fair housing opportunities and policies can also result in improvement and increase in affordable housing. The secondary benefits of affordable housing include having homes available for people who are downsizing and pre-retirement stage who would like to continue to keep the state as their home.

The specific policies that will be needed include policies around victims of domestic violence, LGBTQ youth, substance use disorder, mental health, veterans, and financial stability. These policies need to address the root causes of homelessness and provide support to individuals and families to prevent homelessness.

Early identification is critical in preventing homelessness. The existing 211 system is one of the main reasons for calls across the state, and we need to put the numbers and trends to better understand the issue. Rapid rehousing is also important in preventing homelessness, and we need to understand the process and limitations associated with it.

The actual benefits of preventing and ending homelessness are significant. There is an ROI on dollars spent, and the workforce potential can be maximized by providing affordable housing and preventing homelessness. We also believe that preventing and ending homelessness is a human right and aligns with our values as a society.

We hope that our documentary and this website can raise awareness about homelessness and the strategies needed to prevent and end it in the state. Thank you for your support.


Why Hartford
Bags of Love?

At Invisibles No More, our commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of homeless individuals is unwavering. Our journey is guided by the profound story of Tiernan Cabot, a remarkable young individual who started Hartford Bags of Love at the age of nine. Today, we proudly partner with this incredible organization to further our mission of providing support to those experiencing homelessness. Tiernan’s story is one of boundless empathy and inspiration. In 2016, during a Christmas event where Tiernan and his family served food to the homeless in Hartford, a conversation with a homeless individual ignited a spark within him. It opened his eyes to the pressing issue of homelessness, and he knew that he couldn’t turn away from it. This moment of revelation propelled him into action, and he hasn’t looked back since. What sets Hartford Bags of Love apart is the deep commitment and unwavering dedication of the Cabot family, whom we have known for many years. Tiernan’s family has been instrumental in supporting him and his passion for serving the homeless population. Their love, commitment, and the nurturing environment they’ve created are a testament to the power of family in making a difference in the community. They are not only an inspiration but also a vital part of our team. In partnering with Hartford Bags of Love, we aim to continue Tiernan’s mission of inspiring children and parents alike to engage with causes that resonate with them. Tiernan’s story serves as a powerful reminder that even a single individual, regardless of their age, can make a significant impact when their passion and determination are supported by a loving family and a community that believes in their cause. Your support means the world to us, and together, we can work towards a world where homelessness is no longer an invisible issue. Join us in making a difference and helping the homeless population find hope, support, and the love they need to rebuild their lives. We invite you to be a part of this incredible journey, just as we are proud to stand alongside the Cabot family and Hartford Bags of Love in our shared commitment to making the invisible, no more.

How to be
part of it



  • Single Screen Card in the Documentary End Credits
  • Signature Sponsor Credit & logo on Printed and Digital Promotional Material
  • Exclusive 1 Minute Video in the different screenings and Social Media Advertising
  • Opportunity for your Branded Merchandise and Brochures to be included in The Documentary Gift Bags



  • Single Screen Card in the Documentary End Credits
  • Signature Sponsor Credit & logo on Printed and Digital Promotional Material
  • Exclusive 1 Minute Video in the different screenings and Social Media Advertising
  • Opportunity for your Branded Merchandise and Brochures to be included in The Documentary Gift Bags










  • Thank You shared Screen Card in The Documentary End Credits.
  • Visibility & Branding on The Documentary Website and Social Media.
  • Brand Presence in all Press Releases
  • 1 VIP Ticket to every screening


Before you ignore another homeless person on the street, just remember that that could be someone’s father or mother, son or daughter, and they have a story.

Join us on this journey; we can do better and make things happen. All the profits from this Documentary will be donated to HARTFORD BAGS OF LOVE.

Contact Info

Some people want it to
happen, some wish it
would happen, others
make it happen.
Michael Jordan


@innomarketllc @ecentrodelmundoorg



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